The following relates to machines to be registered in the United Kingdom only, other countries have their own specific requirements.
You own a BSA motorcycle, but it did not come with any registration documents.
Do you know the registration number?
If not then you have to go down the age related registration route (8)
Do you have any historic documents with it such as an old log book or dealer receipts showing the frame number?
If you have then you should be able to retain the registration. So go to retaining an original registration. (4)
Do you have the log book? Does the frame number match that on the machine?
If it does then continue on but if it doesn’t then you will not be able to retain the registration.
So go to the age related registration route (8)
Do you know the registration number but no documentation came with the machine?
Check the remaining registration records on the web site.(3)
If they do exist you need to obtain a copy from the register or card and it shows the frame number then you should be able to retain the original registration.(4)
If the records have been destroyed or it does not show the frame number then you will need to apply for an age related registration (8)
You should remember that the Club can only recommend that a registration is retained or an age related registration is allocated it CANNOT instruct. The DVLA has the final say.
Also if the machine has been radically altered then it will probably be allocated a ‘Q’ plate registration. (By radically altered means that if it has say, Yamaha front forks, Norton gearbox and Moto Guzzi wheels, so that the only original BSA parts are: the engine and altered BSA frame to accommodate the alterations). This machine would not be able to be registered under either of the above routes. In this circumstance contact the librarian to discuss further. This can only be done by post to:
Mr. Steve Foden.
B.S.A.O.C. Machine Dating Officer
PO Box 111,
CH28 9DA
Updated 12/2024