BSA 34-7 from 1934 speedometer and horn brackets

Started by arturro, 23 September, 2020, 06:49:59

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I'm looking for my BSA 34-7 from 1934 speedometer and horn brackets . Parts number 15-9033 (horn bracket) and 15-9032 (speedometer bracket) . Is anybody who made replica this parts , or mabyy someone have orginal parts for sale, or maby someone can share with me technical drawing with dimensions.   I will be grateful for any help in this case. Photos attached.
Stay safe .
Best regards Artur


Hi! Send a question about the speedo bracket to

If I remeber right they manufacture these. They have very hight quality on their items.
Regards Hans


Dear Hans
Thank you for answer. It help me a lot. I will let you know about result.
Stay safe
Best regards Artur


Dear Hans
Once again thank you for your help . I have contact with this lady. Bracket looks good. I decided to buy them.

Stay safe . Best regards Artur


 :) I am happy when You are happy Artur.

Best regards Hans


Dear All
This Lady also produce very good replica for BSA W34-7 primary chain cover. Please look at photos. Maby this information will be helpful for someone.
Once again thanks Hans for your help
Best regards Artur