I took the air filter off my 1965 B40F this morning. Inside the outer metal mesh are two slightly finer metal meshes, and sandwiched between them is a piece of some kind of cloth. Out of interest, is that a normal set-up?
Also, I'm going to take my carburettor (Amal Concentric 626) off to see if I can solve why my bike refuses to run without a bit of choke and yet has a black sooty spark plug. I know nothing about carbs other than what I've read, but I have some info from Amal (thanks again, Julian S). My stupid question is: when I start to take it off, should I first remove the cables from the handlebar levers, or leave them attached even when I take the top cover off the carb? Should I just leave them attached both at the lever end and at the carb end, even when I take the slides out of the carb?
Thanks in advance,
Phil (novice)