Photo #1 is what I found in the oil tank (along with a load of sludge, some old Wet & Dry paper ....... Previous Owners a?
I cleaned the perforated tube up and attached two brass rings to the ends to help stop the tube cutting through the felt. My oil return pipe has a cup at the bottom that the filter sits in and the sprung loaded top cap seen in Photo #2.
Mrs Groupleader very kindly sewed up a new felt filter tube on her sewing machine. Photo #3. The felt tube was wetted, past through the perforated tube and the ends of the felt were gradually persuaded to go back on themselves and then the assembly was left to dry thoroughly resulting in Photo #4.
You might be able to scale the photograph. Unfortunately I can't remove the filter to measure it until I do an oil change (as all the muck falls out of the bottom of the filter into the oil when you do so .....