Where is neutral

Started by Barnsey, 07 July, 2024, 07:40:40

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Hi All, 

   A dumb-ass rookie question for you all today.

  I bought my C15 as a non-runner and am just ready to kick it over for the first time. I've never ridden a brit bike.

   How can I be sure that it is in neutral without a green light?  And what order are the gears in anyway? 

     I told you it was basic, but  I really don't want it to start in gear in my cabin. 





Sit on it
Rock bike back and forth all the time teasing the gear lever down and down until it stops going down
Then bring up 1 click , that's neutral
With 3 more gears to go upwards


That's great thanks!
I'll try the rocking technique.  I wasn't finding all the gears but that help.


Like a fool I was rocking the bike on the centre stand like a rocking horse,  but then I realised what you meant.

Yep rocking it back and forth did the trick Thanks!