Lucas Rita electronic ignition system

Started by franknjan, 26 June, 2024, 19:54:18

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Hi all.
I have a b441 victor, it is fitted with a wassell vape electronic ignition system.  I'm having issues,  and wonder if a lucas rita ab11 system, that I removed from a triumph t140 (twin) some years ago would work? I know the lucas system operated two 6v coils. Would it operate one 12v coil? Or am I wasting my time.
Any help or advice would be appreciated.



Thanks for your reply.
I've got an issue were as I ride the bike for 1/2 a mile and it cuts out and will not start for some time. The spark plug is wet, so I think it's not carburation. I've replaced the coil but not tested it yet. (Which I'll do tomorrow)
It's just that I have a lucas rita system, and wonder if I can use this to prove the ignition.


Generally speaking with electronic systems (the modules)  either they work or do not.
Starting at the coil is a good place. 


Cutting out when it gets hot  - and then requiring half an hour of cooling down before it will start again  - is usually due to a duff coil. 


After fitting the used lucas coil the engine cut out after just 25 yards.
So I have bought and fitted a boyer bransden kit00280, consisting of ignition unit with digital coil that can only be used with this unit, new ht lead and plug cap.
I must be honest, the transformation is great,  easy starting and crisp response. The bike is running really well.
Hope this is useful to others.