Opening up my 1959 B33 for a top-end overhaul (-see my other post) I was surprised to find a very sophisticated looking piston in there. Fortunately it is in very good condition, I say fortunately because I see that new ones cost upwards of £150 !
It is a cut-off dome crown, with a split skirt. The band of slope around the dome is about 1/2in wide. There are pronounced valve cutaways.
The crown is marked:-
" 65 1661 BSA(with piled arms logo) 3/55
I can't find '1661' listed in any suppliers websites. There are suggestions that late B33 s had a higher compression than the previous 6.8:1, and old photos I've seen show flat-top pistons only. Does anyone know what my bike's engine is running on? Some of my research suggests that it's a 7.5:1 piston, but that's not definitive. I'm not complaining! It looks like this might be a beneficial change to spec.