Kick start spring help splitting engine case

Started by BalideyUK, 26 May, 2024, 12:21:50

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Hi all,
I have a 1939 BSA B21 De Luxe 250cc that is new to me.
Kick start spring is broken and I have a replacement.
I followed the manual I have as best I could, getting to this point in the photo, but I can't get the inner case apart.
I have tried gently chapping it off from the left side but no movement.
I have kept the gearshift mechanism in place as the manual suggests and the screws holding this inner case are removed.
A friend who ran Bantams suggests applying some heat and continue chapping from the other side.
Is this correct, or is there a trick I am missing?

Thanks in advance for any help.
1939 B21 De Luxe


You need to remove the gear change mechanism, especially that nut on the end of the selector shaft. That actually looks like a later M20 gearbox.  I have the work sheets for the M20 box, which ought to be studied before assembling. Ron


Thanks, when I get to the workshop I'll try with that nut off.
1939 B21 De Luxe


Let me know if you want a copy of the M20 service sheets


Got the case apart. There was a third bolt hiding behind the linkage!

militaryron, yes please, if you could share the service sheets that would be a great help, thanks.
Can you attach them to a message or do you need me to send you my email address?

regards, Steve
1939 B21 De Luxe


Group Leader

Funny enough I've just had to replace my kick starter return spring.   

I found it quite tricky getting the 1/2 turn of pre-load on re-assembly.  It needed a suitable tool for the screw driver slot and another pair of hands.    We managed to use a bit of plate and some Molegrips.  If I have to do it again I'll make a proper tool from bar material with a suitable "blade" on the end with a centering spigot and a hole for a Tommy Bar at the other end.

It seems to me that the design of the spring/quadrant gear is very poor; the coils get displaced as it rotates as the tang/end of the spring is only partially retained in/against the quadrant gear and the part of the spring that actually takes the load bears on a sharp corner on the gear.    The broken spring shows extensive wear on numerous coils.   I wonder were all that metal went?  Oh, I know, in the gear box.    Still it's a bit late to query the manufacturer I suppose!
