I do hope I'm not confusing the issue here, but according to the Parts Books, the timing gear support plate was not fitted until 1939, and then only to the B21 De Luxe model, not the Standard model. When fitted, the timing gear is similar to the one Ron depicts, i.e with an extension. I imagine that this means that the De Luxe mainshaft is longer than the Standard model?
Clearly, your cam spindles are threaded to accept the support plate bolts, (or perhaps just for extraction) but I wonder if someone has tried to modify your earlier engine to include the support plate? I note the Haycroft picture is of the Standard model without the Support Plate.
The point here is that it is essential that there is some sort of seal between the timing cover and the crankshaft to allow oil to enter the crankshaft from the timing cover under pressure. So it seems to me that with the Support Plate fitted, the whole arrangement is the same as the M20, which Ron can expand on.
By the way, do you have issues 151 to 157 of RealClassic Magazine. They contain articles covering the restoration of a B21, but unfortunately not the engine.
I hope I'm not leading you up the garden path here.