C15 electrical components

Started by Barnsey, 05 May, 2024, 17:36:12

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Dear all,

Could anyone please recommend  sources of half decent replacement electrical components for my C15?  I am getting tired of replacing ancient worn out parts with poor quality parts which don't work. 

  I've just replaced the loom on my bike and now spent a pleasant couple of hours this afternoon fault finding it to find out why the headlight doesn't work.  The conclusion that I came to was that pretty much everything is flaky.   

So the list is:

   New headlight
   Lighting Switch
   High Beam switch. 
   Headlight bulb (6V of course)

  And before anyone says anything I have already added an extra ground wire from the headlight to the rectifier bolt to reduce the path resistance.

   The most frustrating is the headlight as it is already a new replacement but the connector is of lousy quality and I can't get it to work even once. 

   I really don't want to waste more money on shoddy aftermarket parts. 






     I have been looking at other headlights online and they all look the same,  i.e. like this: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/253011239421?_ul=GB
  SO, how do you get those ghastly brass pins to line up with the contacts on the bulb when you screw it together?   




   There was a dry joint in the return wire on the headlight connector.  I could have re soldered it but I fitted the connector from the old headlight and that fixed the problem.

  Regarding the light switch I was tempted to open it up and service it, but it was peined (speling?) together so it would need some work with my Dremel to get it apart.  Has anyone done this?

   On EBay I found a switch which looks like new old stock so I may go for this. I have emialied the vendor to find out for sure.