A YouTube video from the BSA Adare camp, by Franky's World.

Started by Janner Fox, 14 May, 2024, 22:30:28

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Janner Fox

I hope this video is of interest to many here, plenty of BSA content and enjoyment. Thank you to Steve Wilson, Dean Southwell and Dean Alan who came over and had a good time, it was great to meet you folks.

Be part of a movement, point the front wheel on the road.

Dean Southall

Yes it was a great rally and both us Deans enjoyed it. Thanks Janner for organisng the event and inviting the BSAs along.
It might be a week or so before I get my video together but Franky's sums it up very well.
BSA: turning ordinary men into mechanics since 1910

Janner Fox

Thank you Dean,
Your support was greatly appreciated it was great to meet up with you and Dean you are two real decent blokes.
I look forward to your Video and may I share it with the others who were at the camp please?

Be part of a movement, point the front wheel on the road.

Dean Southall

Hi Janner
yes, happy for you to share it, although please don't expect the same quality as Franky's.
BSA: turning ordinary men into mechanics since 1910