A10 electric starter

Started by Roy, 14 May, 2024, 08:29:19

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Good morning, I have just acquired a second hand starter kit for a7/10 it was taken off bike because the sprag bearings had disintegrated ( quite a mess ) I have got and fitted new ones now ,looking at the driving chain from motor up to chain case , the chain on this looks like the size of a dynamo chain ,although it had been working does anyone know if this is the size chain that is fitted , regards Roy
( i can't find any contact for Steve McFarland who designed and built these )



Steve advertises in The Star.  His number is 02920 645045.



Quote from: Roy on 14 May, 2024, 08:29:19
Good morning, I have just acquired a second hand starter kit for a7/10 it was taken off bike because the sprag bearings had disintegrated ( quite a mess ) I have got and fitted new ones now ,looking at the driving chain from motor up to chain case , the chain on this looks like the size of a dynamo chain ,although it had been working does anyone know if this is the size chain that is fitted , regards Roy
( i can't find any contact for Steve McFarland who designed and built these )
Most likely previous owner still had manual advance & retard & forgot to retard


No the bike is fitted with what looks like a brand new AA unit , the assy has been on for a good number of years though , but who knows what happened in the past ,it is now on my bike very close to me pushing that button , must say credit to Steve McFarland for doing these excellent job ,very well thought out