Sorry for the late reply folks,
We have in previous years here with the Royal Enfielders Ireland stayed on site in the evenings and brought our own drinks food etc from the village. We were always lucky with the weather but a campers kitchen with seating available. We meet up on the Friday evening for a informal get together and welcome new arrivals, get to know each other in the evening and night. Saturday ride out usually about 11am normally Hugh kindly arranges the ride out but if not available myself or another familiar with the locality takes this on. We use the second man drop back system! A lunch stop on the ride out, we are usually back at the BSA Royal Enfield dealer (Sprocket and Hub's by 3.30-4pm. Some may chose to go to the village for takeaway later or cook there own food. The evening can be enjoyed by the fire pit for social gathering. The site like most in Ireland has a respectful level of communication by 11pm.
Myself and others of the group look forward to meeting with you all.