What Bsa dare i ride..

Started by midlands_nick, 16 April, 2024, 23:17:02

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 Well what can I say, I have 3 bsa's all Ariel 3's 2 modified and one completely original bike, some of you know me already, but if this works there should appear a photo of "charley" my favourite of my Ariel 3s'

sadly shown here broken down at side of A46 after shearing a drive gear on the way to the "Rustival" festival at Gaydon a few weekends back

here is the bike that sarted it all for me though "Henry" a completely standard unrestored but in great condition blue bike

Rode Charley from John O'groats to Lands end in June for charity, raised a lot of money and had some epic adventures (and brakdowns)

Have joined the club too but only this evening so will wait for the membership to go through


Hi and welcome to the BSAOC and the Forum.

An amazing achievement.  I do not know if your ride was advertised but I am sure that some Club and Forum members may have been encouraged to donate.  What charity was it?



Think there was a brief mention in it when Jackie Wrigh organised us all gong to see the Vulvan bomber in your last mag? basically I did 1057 miles in a week, broke an axle, burnt a clutch out killed two tyres, and a few electrical gremlins from the rewire I had had done to add safety features like indicators and daylight running lights for the roads in scotland.  but ovreall an amazing experience..considering he is the oldest known Bsa Arel 3 he is also the fastest !!

here I am with Paul my very good friend ( also owns an ariel 3-me on the right stumpy grey haired git) having finished the triip by the skin of my teeth with a clutch slipping so much you couldnt hot start the bike.. Oh the joys