1932 BSA Blue Star speedometer

Started by adamtomasr, 11 April, 2024, 07:47:26

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Can you help me with the speedo for my 1932 BSA Blue Star 350? What model is it? Measures? any picture?
I would also appreciate information on the length of the cable and the measurements of the gears, number of teeth on the plate and pinion. thank you

Y13 Alan G

I have owned my 1932 G32/12 since 1975 and it has never had a speedometer. However, about 5 years ago I fitted a speedo/mileometer as fitted to bicycles. It was pretty easy to fit and calibrate. I bought it from Halfords. Trying to obtain an original speedometer for a 1932 BSA as well as the drive system from the front brake plate would I have thought be virtually impossible. The bicycle speedo is not obtrusive and can be easily removed from it's mounting. Food for thought?

Bicycle repair man

The speedo should be a standard Smiths/Jagger 80mph pin drive chroometric unit with (according to the parts book) a 29" cable. The speedos do come up occasionally but you need deep pockets!
You can use the later square drive speedo with the appropriate later cable. You can camouflage these later cables to look like the earlier fatter ones by running them through a piece of black rubber tubing. I went this route on my pre war Norton until I found the correct speedo 18 months ago.
At the wheel end, the wheel mounted gear is 70 teeth. This is pressed onto the hub but also has 2 drive dogs. The speedometer gearbox has a 23t gear.


These gears are available at Cornucopia.