Hello all
As someone who spent many years riding left-hand gear-shift bikes (and of course, by implication, and more importantly, right-hand rear brake pedal), I find that I can't adjust to the 1963 D7 that we have. Perhaps in time, a long time, I might, but it feels unsafe to me, and so it puts me off riding - the worry of instinctively trying to brake with the gear lever in an emergency etc.
My question therefore is, what are the options ?
It's my understanding that the original DKW would have been left-hand gear lever. I imagine that re-engineering the cases etc to adapt would basically be a non-starter. So that leaves an engine swap. I rather like the idea of a 4-stroke, just because it would save mucking about with 2T oil / reduce pollution etc, but a lot of second-hand Jap parts (e.g. engines) nowadays seem absurdly over-priced.
I did wonder about the possibility of something like a CZ engine.
Does anyone have any experience with doing any of these things ?
Thanks in advance. Apologies in advance to anybody out there outraged at such a proposal