Camping Events...?

Started by scifi, 25 November, 2023, 12:04:17

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Hi Guys, I have spent most of my adult life doing competition events; Trials, Motocross, Grass-Track, Hillclimbs etc. and did at one time have an ACU National Roadrace license.   All the events I attended required a van to transport the machines.   
So now, in my 70s, I thought I would join the VMCC to do some of their events, only to see that you only seem to hold camping events...  Why is this..?
Can't the organisers produce a calendar of sporting events, that involve riding the bikes around the countryside, instead of sitting in soaking wet tents, cooking up sausage and beans..?


Hi scifi,

The BSAOC Branch Weekends are social weekends that run, usually from late Friday afternoon to Sunday morning.  The idea is that all BSAOC members and guests can attend all or part of the weekend to participate in either the social side or in the rides out or both.  The camping, either in tent or van these days, allows for those wishing to have a few beers to spend the night, like wise those who have travelled a fair distance.  There is a good interaction between the different Branches attending so contributing to the internal communication and cohesion of the Club as a whole.
The competitive element is quite low key and indirect in that points are awarded for attendance on a BSA and for taking part in the runs on a BSA leading to the awarding of trophies for different categories of bike and rider.
At a Branch level there many who have other types of competitive event the details of which are better sourced through the Branch contacts and websites.
Come along to a Branch Weekend and see what it is like and I am sure that your motorcycling experiences will add to the mix.
It has been said that the BSAOC should run some sporting events but it needs volunteers to do this. How about it?


Dean Southall

Quote from: scifi on 25 November, 2023, 12:04:17
sitting in soaking wet tents, cooking up sausage and beans..?

Very far from the reality of a BSA camp,  perhaps you should attend one.
WRT 'events' I don't think you will find the club stopping you from organising one.
BSA: turning ordinary men into mechanics since 1910

jason Liew

If your after an event which involves a lot of riding have a look at this years international Rally, it's in Norway. I'm planning to ride there and back plus around the area whilst there.

Branch Camps are good fun tend to ride there ride all day Saturday then ride back home they are a good weekend away with like minded individuals.

My sense is this years international rally is going to put around 2,500-3,000 miles on my old girl.
