Used front number plate mount wanted

Started by RichardAB, 23 November, 2023, 18:46:32

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I'm looking for a used plate mount for my D3 - front top mount. Shape/size as per attached.
I don't want to fit a shiny new one as it would look out of place on my unrestored bike
Can you help please? ££?
Thank you


Not quite sure what you want, do you want the part that holds the number plate at the front? its a threaded piece with a slot in it  which secures the plate and fits into the mudguard.


Quote from: TTJOHN on 01 February, 2024, 10:21:27
Not quite sure what you want, do you want the part that holds the number plate at the front? its a threaded piece with a slot in it  which secures the plate and fits into the mudguard.

The whole plate including fixings. I know you can get modern plate and fixings
Thank you for reply