I have an A65 which appears to be slightly twisted at the steering head. With the rear wheel vertical, the front wheel heels slightly to the right. The variance top to bottom is about 14mm at the rim.
Forks, swinging arm, and the main part of the frame check out okay with my crude assessment using spirit levels and string lines, but suspicion lies with the steering head, which does have evidence of having had a knock just below the steering head at some point in its life. There's just a small mark on the frame, but it's there.
At very low speed the bike feels as if it wants to turn right. At higher speed, riding hands off the bars, the rider has to shift his weight well over to the right in order to keep the bike going straight.
Obviously, I need to get the frame geometry checked and corrected.
Any recommendations as to where I could get this done? I've heard good reports of Maidstone Motoliner and Abba, but they are both in the south east. That's a long way from the Northumberland border where I live! There must surely be somewhere in the northeast where I can get my frame jigged and corrected, but I've drawn a blank so far.
I guess the alternative is to try to source a good replacement A65 frame. Anyone got one going spare?