Hi. Yes Ive been down that route, in fact we discussed it here a few moons ago.
Firstly I think age will have a bearing on decision. I am 82 and mine was done 9 years ago. I was given the relevant choices and initially opted for Radium(I think) but in less than an hour I changed my mind and went for operation. I could not live with the thought of living cancer cells in my body. So surgery it was.
I never asked about life expectancy at the time, but in discussion with surgeon a few months later I was told that prior to op I was about 18 months from incurable.
The one thing I would suggest is that anyone going down this road discuss with partner every step of the way because it affects them as well. My wife came to every hospital appointment so she was in the picture from square one. She did not 'interfere' in my decisiom but agreed with my stance.
I am told the various options affect ongoing sex life in approx the same way. The pundits will tell you that it should not go completely etc. For me it did so none zilch covers it. In my case a high percentage of the "urge" went with, I cant speak for enyone else.
One serious side affect is urination. For the first few months I could piss for England and I wasnt finally dry for about two years. In truth I still leak and need to use a pad whenever I'm out of bed. Fortunately I'm dry at night.
As you will understand this is personal and you may get a radically different story elsewhere. To me the loss of my sexual ability was a fairly major blow? the alternative was possibly death. So you have to decide your price. I would certainly make the same decision again.
Ultimately dead men can't F--k anyway. To me?
? the op was a winner.
I hope this helps. Laugh--the gods have conspired. fingers up to the world.
I was in hospital about 30 hours. I came out with a cathetter fitted and a pee bag but only for about two weeks