Hello and What have I bought?

Started by KernowPete, 21 September, 2023, 17:32:14

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Apologies if this is a duplicate post.....
New to the forum and classic bikes so please bear with me!
Just picked up a trials converted 1966 C15. The frame number starts C15S and the engine number starts C15FSS so I'm not sure if I've got a C15, a C15S, a C15FSS or a mongrel/bitsa (pretty sure it's a bantam rear wheel)
Can anyone advise?

Ian C

According to the records I have available, your frame number (depending on numbers after prefix) could be for a 1959, 60, 61 or 62 C15 Scrambles or Trials. The engine number (again depending on numbers after prefix) is for either a 1965 SS80 Sports Star or a 1966 C15 Sportsman. HTH


Thanks Ian,
Just found the online serial number lists  ::)! Having checked the number and prefix it turns out I have a 1960 C15 Trials/Scrambles frame with a 1966 C15 Sportsman engine. Looks like someone's fitted an alloy barrel at some point too.


Just joined the owners club so hope more info maybe available there 👍