Which Model is it ?

Started by Saltmine, 19 August, 2023, 19:25:23

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Hello, I am from Austria and my friend has an old BSA in his Garage. It was restored a little around 30 Years. Now we cannot find the documents.
I have a Photo of the Motor number: It loks like D12 156. But where is the frame number to find. It is a V Twin with 500 cc.
It would be kind to find a information of Year and export to Europ.
Thank you - Friedrich from - Austria.


D12 engine prefix is for a 1936 model J36-12 V twin.

The top frame member is a substantial forging look on the left side in the area near the seat position for the frame number.

J12 models frame numbers also started D12.

If the bike was originally exported to Austria in may have gone to Vienna dealer called Hirschl.


Thank you very much for this information. Regards Fritz


So it looks like the same number as on the Motor. D12 156. But is much overpainted!


I will send you a PM (peresonal message) with some information.


Thank you very much for this information. We did not know from which year. This is very helpfull.
Greetings from Austria