2nd post

Started by John Dynostar, 13 July, 2023, 09:02:36

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John Dynostar

Hi Guys
I have recently returned to the British bike fold  :)
I will probably get vilified for this but I have Just bought a Tribsa
which consists of an A65 frame with a Nova and a Triumph all ally
motor tiger 100 motor. nobbly tyres, ally wheels, all in boxes  ;D
obviously trying to register the frame
and attempt to build the bike up.
I may be accepted here or directed elsewhere  ;D I don't know
and at 65 with a dodgy left knee I'm wondering why I bought a bike with
a kickstart again  ;D


Dodgy knee or not, it still doesn't deter a lot of motorcyclist, just getting it together and as one is the main goal, there is always options to start the beast, however, I think dating & registering could be a bit of a problem.
Good luck with it anyway.

John Dynostar

Hi TTJohn
the Dating side of the frame seems fairly straight foreward.
But DVLA have kicked it back twice because they say I need
confirmation from the factory.
speaking to others the process is not as easy as it once was.


I suggest you look at machine registration on the BSAOC web site which will guide you through the process


The BSAOC assists over 500 owners each year to get bikes registered, the process is usually not complicated.

DVLA will not register a bike in boxes of bits, it needs to be assembled. A Triumph engine may complicate things though. You could write to the Dating Officer at the address on the website and explain what you have and seek advice.

John Dynostar

Hi Julian
I am waiting for my welcome pack  :) to arrive from the BSA owners club

I have tried to register the frame as my mate said it was easy.
just get a Nova cert of bloke on ebay and send it all off.
it came back to me
dating cert supplied by lambretta club of Great britain
sheeesh  :o
The Dvla have informed me they need to inspect the bike built up
and will be inspected by a 3rd party  to confirm their record is correct.
then I have to strip it down and powder coat it all and build it
again  properly. ::)

It is going to be a lot of work for possibly No return, if I then have to shell
out for a frame with a book.  ;D
I have not mentioned it is a Tribsa
although now you guys mention it there is a mention in the last letter from the DVLA
( a page  ::))
called a built up vehicle report  which could be a minefield
oh dear  ;D
stop laughing  ;D


John I will send you a PM (personal message)


Mike Farmer

 :) :) :) :)

Personally I would borrow an A50/A65 engine. Fit it, get it registered, then change the engine back to the Trumpet engine.That would be a simple change of engine No But as stated ask The BSA Dating officer.

Mike 8) 8) 8) 8)

John Dynostar

Thanks for the advice guys.
Pm received
I have already borrowed a BSA tank  ;D

John Dynostar

this is a picture of what I would like the assembled box of bits to look like.
I found it on the internet

I thought it would make an ideal winter ride to work bike.

I have a welder and have discovered I can obtain a 2004 triumph frame
with a logbook and MOT till 2004  for £199 on ebay.

it will have to have a daytime MOT and the purists will kill me

it is an option  ;D

maybe I should be on a triumph Forum  ;D

John Dynostar

 :)  I have to say guys  :) Thank You

I wish I had come to this forum 2 years ago when I bought the bike. :'(
Thank you for all of your help. I think I could write the book on how not to
try and register a bike that probably  ::) already is registered  >:( :( ::)

I will try to post pics of the build in the apropriate forum  ::)
thank you