A bit off normal BSA stuff

Started by Mike Farmer, 12 June, 2023, 17:05:54

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Mike Farmer

 :) :) :) :) :)

Good evening as per th etitle this is bit 'off piste' for Beesa Forum, so please bear with me.

My two sons, both in their fifties and as yet untouched by sanity,are planning to go to Chennai pick up a couple of bikes from the factory and ride back. The reason I say off piste is because they are plotting on picking up a couple of RE Himalayas.

There are a couple of reasons for my posting this here. one is of course that the Gold Star is I believe also produced in the Chennai area so this may be of interest to other would be adventurers.

Another reason of course that someone on here knows or knows of someone who has done similar. Its by no means unique and help and/or advice would be very welcome.

And lastly it may just turn out to be a good tale.

As I said its not BSA and if anyone objects violently I shall not continue.

Mike 8) 8) 8) 8)


As the crow flies, Chennai is 5k miles away and, presumably, a lot further by road? At a rough guess, that's £800 in petrol! I assume the bike is many thousands of £ cheaper at the factory making this endeavour attractive?



Never mind a cost saving, what a trip to undertake, even better if they were doing it on the new BSA.  Now would the BSA factory sponsor such trip?  The publicity could be priceless.
I would encourage them as, although there are risks involved, this is trip of a lifetime.


Dean Southall

Norally did it solo on a Himalayan but did take a very roundabout route
BSA: turning ordinary men into mechanics since 1910


Bugger  the cost, adventures are priceless :)

or as an acquaintance was wont to say - it's no good at the end of days sitting in the corner of your care home wishing you had because it is to ****ing late!

Mike Farmer

 :) :) :) :)

The Himalaya Chosen just to ride one up through the Himalays.

Its approx 8200 miles.

It is actually an expensive way of buying it because duty and VAT will wipe out any savings.

With every thing concerned at the end of the day a shrewd guess is not a lot of change out of 10K each.

My only problem with it? Its past my "doing" time for things like that. But hell yes I'm serously jealous. And I certainly dont need to sit in the corner wishing for yesterday. 100% agree adventure is priceless

Thanks for all your encouraging wurdz. I shall pass it on.

Mike 8) 8) 8)


Hi Mike,
            Sounds fantastic, could you take your trike?


I think the idea is brilliant. It's  not aways about the money.its about the memories.

Mike Farmer

 :) :) :)

Advice sought.

We are coming up against only two problems at this stage.

1. Insurance. World wide insurance seems to be a bit scarce. Dont think Insurance Co is going to fully cover it.

2. Vehicle registration. Awaiting answers from HMRC about UK reg.( country of reg will prob have a knock on affect on insurance) Equally unsure about Indian reg.

I have looked at the various previous similar rides and in general terms they had back up to some degree. All they had to do was get on the bike and ride from A to B to C etc. Thats not a moan just what we are finding.

If anyone is able to throw any info into the mix I should really appreciate such. Just received road?? maps of Tibet and Nepal.

Mike 8) 8) 8)

Mike Farmer

 :) :) :) :)

Should say

"dont think insurance Co green Card is going to fully cover iy

Mke 8) 8) 8)


Mike Farmer

 :) :) :) :)

Thats Brilliant.  Not seen those, so thank you very much, 1 more half step.

Mike 8) 8) 8)

Pete Gill

Have they ridden bikes in India before?
It's a bit of a culture shock all round.
Great fun particularly out in the rural areas.
In towns it's "everything, everywhere and all the time" keep your eyes open and your speed down. It would be really amusing if it weren't so dangerous.
I agree that import tax etc make it a financial losing situation.

Mike Farmer

 :) :) :) :)

Thanks for that. They haven't driven there but I have

I know this is very contradictory and almost farcical, but I found that the way they drive is not dangerous if you are all doing the same thing. drive from A to B in as straight a line as possible. Driving safely as we know is absolutely lethal, you simply cannot survive Indian driving/traffic by applying european rules and norms. They drive like the dodgems so you best do the same, and learn quickly or you'll be scared shitless every inch of the way. You probably will be anyway.

When in Rome etc. Or in this case Mumbai.

Mike 8) 8) 8) 8)

Mike Farmer

 :) :) :) :) :)

Well, we now have a serious glitch to said plans.

It appears "It is illegal for a non Indian national or a long term resident to purchase a new??? motor cycle (vehicle)for export. The factory is looking into this. They have no record of selling in the way we wish. So the whole thing may go down the tubes.

Time and patience will tell. The current plot is to aim for early May 24 so that hopefully all the snowey places are clear.

Mike 8) 8) 8) 8)