BSA B22 Empire Star engine.

Started by Gavey, 05 September, 2022, 07:56:55

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Just completing the re-assembly of my 1938 B22 Empire Star and a quick but very important question.  Which is the feed and return oil pipes? I've just looked at some B range photos online and the pipe with the rocker oil feed has been fitted to both inner and outer by various owners. Don't want to get it wrong.

Ernie G.


Hi Ernie.
I've just had a look at my 1938 B24 which I would imagine to be the same. The inner connection, closest to the centre of the bike, is the gravity feed down to the oil pump, the outer one is the oil return which has the rocker feed connected to it. If you get them wrong, surely there would be no feed to the oil pump due to the return oil stack pipe inside of the tank. I hope that sorts your problem. Regards, Pete
1935 Blue-Star,  1937 Empire-Star,  1939 Silver-Star. 1950 A7 Rigid, 1951 A7 Star-Twin. 1953 A7 Star-Twin, 1957 A10 Road-Rocket. !962 DBD32 Gold-Star. 1962 RGS


Sorry to take so long to respond - have been away in sunny Menorca for most of September. I was pretty sure the outer pipe was the return but what got me thinking was a photo online of an immaculate red B22 at auction  - rebuilt by the National Motorcycle Museum - which has its rocker feed on the inner pipe. As i can't find my manuals at the moment following a rushed house move I thought it better to ask those who know before putting it together. Many thanks.


Hmmm, perhaps this one has never run?
1935 Blue-Star,  1937 Empire-Star,  1939 Silver-Star. 1950 A7 Rigid, 1951 A7 Star-Twin. 1953 A7 Star-Twin, 1957 A10 Road-Rocket. !962 DBD32 Gold-Star. 1962 RGS

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On my B21 the return is also on the outside and the rocker feed is from it ......