Hi This just may not be the place to put this but I thought it may be of some minor interest.
Picking up from some of the previous comments regarding the Rotax motor being used in OUR new Gold Star, lets go to basics.
All piston engines are derivations of Otto Daimler's first 4 stroke engine. and when it comes to derivations the mind boggles. I started browsing and got lost within a very short time.
RR Merlin--V12 27litre engine, derivant of 1927 BMW V12 27litre engine. 65% + were made by Packard in the USofA. RR Meteor engine. Same format but downrated, Manufactured by Rover Never anywhere near a Rolls factory.
Villiers, lovely little engines in their day, so many of them being used for so many different jobs, they were almost a pandemic. However were they DKW derivants.
Much later Rover 820D powered by an italian Marine engine which in itself may well have been an Isuzu base. Heaven only knows how many Isuzu diesels have other Companies names cast into them. I THINK the Australian Military re engined its entire L/Rover fleet with Isuzu's.
I guess with this sort of engine history the use of the Rotax aint really that unusual. Trust you aren't totally bored and hope someone will pick up on this and see where it leads us. There are bound to be some interesting facts on this line tucked away somewhere.