
Started by Mike Farmer, 18 February, 2022, 11:41:37

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Mike Farmer

 :) :) :) :)

Hi Guys.

I may be out of place here, but I think it still needs saying.

Have a thought about getting tested for Prostate Cancer, Its quick painless and at the very worst a bit embarrasing. The alternative is a bugger.

When they found mine I was at a point of about 18 months to incurable. there are certain restrictions but at 80+ I guess they are less significant that for some one of only 79 or so.

Noone can tell you exactly what your outcome may be if you have the check. But they can sure as hell tell what it might be if you don't.

Purely a personnal point, I involved my wife right from square one, which saved her the problem of not knowing, and she found it very beneficial.  So I suggest "go for it".

Mike 8) 8) 8) 8)

B Murphy

Hi Mike

What were your symptoms, if you don't mind me asking.



Prostate cancer posts are never out of place, it is  a silent killer. My prostate problems were found by way of a Well Man check.

Much information to be found here -

To quote a well kown entertainer - finger in bum, no harm done.


all the best mike. luckily with our NHS you are in great hands.


Ive just been writing this on a war forum,
As I was talking to a dispensing pharmacist at the surgery regarding my cancer blood test, which the surgery didnt ask for!! the surgery said they would arrange a tele call to discuss statins for my cholesterol.
during the conversation I asked if they would add the PSA blood test to check for, I said, it was all over the TV that morning for over 50's and Im 63 and not had anything.  The TV doctors said its easy now ,no finger and can be checked with the blood test.
He said, its not the surgery's policy to check for PSA. as it does not cost any more to check, WHY?

anyway, test due on 1st March hopefully will be negative. If you dont ask, you dont get.


Hi Chaz,

If you have look on the NHS web site you should find your answer.  Apparently the PSA test is not that reliable as the levels can be up and down and therefore misleading.  I had one done some years ago and it was fine.  The next time I asked I was told about the unreliability so eventually an examination answered my question and gave me peace of mind.
Speak to your doctor and get this very quick examination done.  Do not wait for sympoms.


Crazy Mike

At 62 and having no obvious prostate symptoms, I saw my GP about a painful elbow just over 2 years ago. The Doctor diagnosed it as 'Tennis Elbow' in about 2 minutes flat. She asked if there was anything else whilst I was with her and although I had no other known issues, I recalled a newspaper article about getting checked for Prostate cancer, so I asked for a check.

The PSA result came back at over 20  (look it up !) and I was fast-tracked through the NHS for MRI scans and various tests and was further diagnosed with the most aggressive form of cancer which was present in the prostate and it had just marginally started to spread outside. The option was clear - to have it removed by robotic surgery which was done 1 week before lockdown 1. This happened less than 3 months after seeing my GP.  Since then I have undergone 33 continuous daily sessions of Radiotherapy to sort out the remaining cancerous cells and although not 100% out of the woods, I'm in a far, far better place now !  - despite various side effects.

The consultant said to me before my op, that if I had left it another 6 months to get checked, he and I would have had a completely different discussion about the future.  I have my dodgy elbow to thank for all this.

So the moral of the story here is - go to your GP and ask for a check and keep on riding those BSA's a lot longer ! ( and tell your friends & relatives)


Quote from: DAVE BRADY on 18 February, 2022, 19:47:07

Speak to your doctor and get this very quick examination done. 

Dave, you obviously are not registered in my surgery. Ive already posted a bad review about them, and others I know also in the surgery including some met in the queue for covid jab or in supermarket, have all said the same. they are useless, but its our only option.
The reason for this blood test Ive just had is, Ive requested a blood test for my annual cancer check up, the only test or check not done was the one I wanted/needed for consultation.


Quote from: Crazy Mike on 18 February, 2022, 21:07:35

The consultant said to me before my op, that if I had left it another 6 months to get checked, he and I would have had a completely different discussion about the future.  I have my dodgy elbow to thank for all this.

So the moral of the story here is - go to your GP and ask for a check and keep on riding those BSA's a lot longer ! ( and tell your friends & relatives)
I went to my old GP about a couple of blackheads on my neck, an injection later and 3 months I was in hospital having my thyroid and over 100 lymph nodes removed, 8 hours plus a following 5 hours in surgery to remove then radio Iodine treatment. the specialist said the thyroid was so close to bursting not long and I wouldnt have been here. 10 years this year and the annual checkup delayed 3 months for covid. Im not as confident if I had been in this surgery!!



I know it is not always easy but I believe that we should all try to be proactive when we visit the doctor.  Have idea of what you want from your appointment.  The doctor is there to serve you.


Mike Farmer

 :) :) :) :)

I had no obvious prostate symptoms. The old "PSA unreliable" I dont believe it, they do thousands and it would not be financially viable if unreliability were the case. I had a broken blood vessel, that occasionally leaked,  somewhere in or near my uninary tract (thats posh for pee tube) and was having 6 monthly blood tests. My Dr called me in, gave me test results and an appointment with specialist.

The rest is history.  2014 Blood test January. First Specialist Feb, second March. Long discusion viz treatments available and my choices June, Op July Various appointments with dieticians etc. To reiterate-My wife came with me to every appointment so she was in the picture all the way along, because it is going to affect your wife. I know this would not be for everyone but it was helpful to acheive the full understanding. When I said chop it out she was part of that decision.

Despite the list of possible side effects and timescale, it was over two years before I stopped seriously uncontrolled peeing. It is a consideration. I still wear a light pad in the daytime but at this stage am able to sleep without. (Unless at a hotel or some such)

Nothing is for nothing. There are previously important things that I can't do. But I am here to take advantage of those that I can. I would be 6 years dead now etc.

I am also a participant in a ongoing trial for the rest of my life, Blood test every four/six months ---so I guess blood tests are relevant.

My garden fence is laying down--bugger.

Mike 8) 8) 8) 8)


Hi Mike,

Have a look at the NHS website for the pros and cons of the PSA test.  What I am advocating is have the examination as well.

Another thing worth doing is getting a BP monitor.  High blood pressure is the 'silent killer'.  Again no real symptoms until it may be too late. GPs may check your BP if you are lucky and the usual excuse is 'white coat sydrome' when you have a higher BP because you are at the doctors.  Regardless, this would still give a baseline with WCS taken in to account.  We use a BP monitor at home to check our BP.  Not in an obsessive way but now and again.  It is quite reassuring and then if necessary you can go to your GP and say "my  blood pressure is running a bit high" and get further checks done.


Mike Farmer

 :) :) :)

Hi Dave.

Yes to test as well, I had that when my doc called me in. She was very quick efficient and proffessional about it, and it didnt even embarrass a little.

I have to say the surgery I'm registered with is top class. Its been better still during the last couple of years. face to face was still on their list but "don't turn up early cos we wont let you in" . No crowded waiting room and relatively exact timeings.

NHS 100%. My ex Son in law in USA just had stomach surgery $28,000. + state taxes,

Mike 8) 8) 8)

Group Leader

Quote from: DAVE BRADY on 18 February, 2022, 22:08:10
I know it is not always easy but I believe that we should all try to be proactive when we visit the doctor.  Have idea of what you want from your appointment.  The doctor is there to serve you.

In my recent (last 12-15 months)  having gone from reasonably fit to collapsing in a big heap with total heart failure in A&E (that's the place to do it if you are going to!) all I wanted from my GP was ...

An appointment to discuss my decline!

Sorry, but I don't have a very high opinion of my GPs these days.  No, I have a very poor opinion of my GP,   I wonder why?

Mike Farmer

 :) :) :) :)

Have you taken this up with your GP? Having spoken with my GP about this, although not from a personal standpoint, it is not difficult to see their viewpoint.

1. Sadly the GP system seems to have been let down from a funding angle.
2.The amount of people who visit GP's for a broken nail type injury.
3. The amount of non appearances ie wasted appointments.
4. It is a difficult and relatively thankless position, and certainly does not appeal to many would be clinicians.

I am not trying to absolve the system of its reponsibilities, simply that I took a few mins to discuss this with my Dr.

Mike 8) 8) 8) 8)