250 Blue Star

Started by Steve.S, 05 August, 2021, 18:07:03

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I've just joined, and I wonder if anyone can help me?
I have a 1933 B33-3 Blue Star Junior. Am I  right in thinking that the back wheel should be in line with the frame rear downtube? Does anyone know what the rim offset should be, or is the rim centred on the hub grease nipple?
I may have the wrong rear sprocket fitted as it is solid, without the large radial holes (as on the Sloper). It's 42T, but the dishing may be wrong. Any ideas?
I think the rear hub adjusting sleeve  (27-6714) fitted is also wrong, as it sticks out about 1/4" more than either the Sloper or B2, and doesn't look right.
Does anyone out there have one of these machines? Unfortunately BSA redesigned both the engine and frame for the 1934 season, but I think it's the same as the '30, '31 and '32 250's.