Twins / Cracked cylinder liners
« on: 08 June, 2022, 20:44:17 »Hi.
I'm writing this after a recent discussion with a friend. We were discussing whether or not to use pots with cracked or even chipped liner 'skirts'. Probably as a result of being dropped at some stage I reckon that within reason they are useable if the cracks have been drill (run) stopped and any broken areas are of a common sense reasonable size with no skirt distortion.
I base this opinion on the thousands of singles that have a part ground out to accomodate the conrod. If its ok with best part of a square inch ground out, I believe its Ok with the same amount chipped.
I agree you are taking a chance to some degree but personally I don't have a problem with it. The only thing it may possibly affect is the piston skirt, but I dont think that is a reality. Be interesting to know how many bikes are going around in this state. My A50 certainly is. Providing the piston runs free.