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Messages - Tav

Hi all. Just to follow up on the problem I had. After stripping the engine to bare bones I suddenly remembered I had not previously cleaned all the threads out in the crankcase. My fault entirely. The muck and crud that came out of them. Now back together and I'm glad to say running lovely. I hope this may help someone else that has a senior moment. Take care all and thanks
Many thanks for the replies. I have obviously missed something. So will strip it feeling is cases not sealing correctly. As when gearbox oil was filled to correct level.engine smokes terribly. No oil smoke dies off to what you would expect. I will post to let you know. And thanks again
Bantam / D14 rebuilt engine burns gearbox oil?
25 August, 2024, 14:35:57
Hi all I wonder if anyone can help me with this issue. So d14 rebored new piston and rings all new bearings and seals. Starts and runs lovely. But creates a smoke screen. Have traced this to definitely drawing in oil from gearbox. Cases were sealed with three bond. And seals in correctly. I'm at a loss. Any help appreciated.
Triples / Re: Rocket three numbers?
13 February, 2024, 17:45:36
Ps the machine is 1970.
Triples / Rocket three numbers?
13 February, 2024, 17:44:35
Hi all. So today I've discovered that my frame and engine numbers do not match. They are about a month different. So my question is this. Could it have been built like that?? Or has it been swapped later. I'm gutted. Any help most welcome   :-[
Triples / Re: Rocket three primary drive noise
13 February, 2024, 03:08:01
Hi yes the cush drive rubbers were again badly worn and are being replaced as a matter of course. I think it worthwhile whilst it's stripped down. Thanks for the advice  appreciate it
Triples / Re: Rocket three primary drive noise
12 February, 2024, 19:46:06
Hi there no I didn't do that. But I will do so after reassemble. The clutch hub was on closer inspection quite worn. New one ordered. I will let you all know the outcome and try to post some photos.  Thank you for the advice
Triples / Rocket three primary drive noise
11 February, 2024, 18:21:38
Hi all continuing on with my rocket three. Tappets now sorted. Engine runs really well. But one he'll of knock on tick over. Dissappears as Engine speed increases. Noise is coming from primary drive. The triplex chain was well past it so replaced. Noise still present. So far I've stripped it as far as the sprocket and apart from the clutch seal being the wrong way round. Nothing definite to any ideas please thanks in advance
Triples / Re: Rocket three tappet adjusters
01 January, 2024, 20:02:07
Hi all  thanks for the replies. Makes sense of it for me .as its running well I will be leaving it for now.
Triples / Rocket three tappet adjusters
31 December, 2023, 09:57:56
Good day everyone. I've just become the owner of a 1970 rocket three. It was purchased as a non runner and had been idle for a good time. It only had compression on number 2 cylinder luckily for me I traced the issue to incorrect tappet clearance.for some reason they had been well overtightened so the valve were never closing. Once this was set correctly she fired up and sounds sweet. But my issue is this. The half nut to lock the tappet in place is flush to the head of the tappet. This could be correct but doesn't seem right to me. Did they use longer tappet adjusters? Any information would be great. Thanks in advance and a happy new year to all