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Messages - rhyatt

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 27
Singles / Re: 1959 c15 front wheel bearing
« on: 18 September, 2024, 20:49:54 »
Ah , OK, thank you , I'll reassemble and recheck

Singles / 1959 c15 front wheel bearing
« on: 18 September, 2024, 18:04:46 »
Good evening,
My front wheel spindle seems to have side to side movement between the 2 bearings.
I can't see any spacers , so I assume one or both are not driven inwards enough.
How deep in is the nearside bearing driven in please , is there a shoulder similar to the off side bearing ?
Thank you

Singles / Re: Fitting an Amal 622 carb
« on: 15 September, 2024, 18:30:26 »
Personally , I'd have a choke assembly , lever and cable

Singles / Re: Fitting an Amal 622 carb
« on: 15 September, 2024, 10:23:37 »
The original C15 is 7/8" bore inlet port , which will have a 375 monobloc   to have a smooth pass for the gas whizzing from carb to inlet valve.
A concentric 600 series must be of the nearest metric equivalent to 7/8".
So if there are 25.4 mm to 1 inch , 7/8 equals about 22mm
So a 622 concentric , with suitable jets.
Ring Burlen in Salisbury to discuss.

Singles / Re: early C15 rear shock length between centres please
« on: 14 September, 2024, 06:42:54 »
Many thanks

Singles / early C15 rear shock length between centres please
« on: 13 September, 2024, 19:32:29 »
does anyone have the definitive rear shock length please?
early 1959 ish C15
thanks in advance

Twins / Re: Sintered brake shoe material
« on: 11 September, 2024, 17:49:59 »
forgot to put the link

my bikes were about £6 per shoe plus a bit of post

Twins / Re: Sintered brake shoe material
« on: 11 September, 2024, 12:03:01 »
Did you centralise the backplate when the wheel was put back into the bike.
Linings take a while to bed in anyway, put some miles on it and monitor any improvement.
Or failing that , if the linings/shoes are of dubious parentage , send the shoes for relying with "soft road" linings

Singles / Re: C15 gearbox service
« on: 09 September, 2024, 11:38:27 »
This is the means of assembling and dismantling the inner cover.
Your dowel should have a split pin in the hole in its end.
Remove split pin
Remove dowel sliding it out
Remove inner cover

Singles / Re: still not starting
« on: 08 September, 2024, 18:32:09 »
Or , as suggested speak to burlen.
I credibly helpful and knowledgeable

Singles / Re: still not starting
« on: 08 September, 2024, 17:16:23 »
thats a regular place to leak Burlen do those fibre washers , but when you get them , check the quality of the faces the bottom of my main body was quite pocked and needed a careful facing square and decent - now dry     about 6 quid plus post

if you're disturbing the carb off the head, have a you the fibre plate between the head and the carb , must have that
and if you dont know the history off the needle jet or needle then consider them as mentioned earlier in 1 of my posts to you
check also the truth of the carb flange face - -use a surface plate of piece of glass to ensure it is really flat - do NOT tighten the 2 flange nuts up stupidly tight - just enough
you should be there

Singles / Re: Jets
« on: 08 September, 2024, 16:46:17 »
Check your c15 owners manual or workshop manual , or speak to Burlen salisbury
The usual jets to wear are the needle jet and its needle - I'm not referring to the float needle , but the main needle and its corresponding jet.
A lifetime of use let's the needle waggle back and forth in its needle jet , making it oval.this will not cure any leak , only a bad mixture at that part of the throttle

Mine leaked or weeded from where the bottom jet block screwed up into the main body, even a new 2asher didn't cure it completely until I cleaned both faces up

Singles / Re: still not starting
« on: 08 September, 2024, 16:40:49 »
Plug should be N5 or equivalent
Where is the leak actually coming from??
Is it the bottom jet block to main body ? If so may need the main body face truing and cleaning up, those faces often get damaged

Singles / Re: still not starting
« on: 08 September, 2024, 15:21:24 »
you don't need to remove the sump plate or filter - just ease them off and let it (if any) dribble out

Twins / Re: Warped brake casting?
« on: 08 September, 2024, 13:41:46 »
doesn't the brake plate get nipped up when all the rear wheel spindle nuts are tight ??
most of my backplates wobble a whisker and this is useful to centralise the brakes when putting wheels back (put brake on , hold it on, nip up wheel nuts

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