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Messages - DerekAnderson8

Twins / Re: Hornet High Level Pipes
05 July, 2024, 12:59:00
i think it was ebay, cant remember excactly. I think they fitted ok.
Twins / Re: Hornet High Level Pipes
05 July, 2024, 08:19:20
Thats my old bike! good to see its still about,

i fitted the high level pipes they are a bit loud but sound good.

The Star and Garter / Re: Scam
18 May, 2024, 20:56:44
advertised on facebook at £1000 surely people know that cannot be genuine?

heres a tip right click on image and click "search google for image" this will show you if the image has been on before, in this case it came up on car and classic auction ending at £3800!

if it sounds to good to be true it usually is
B50 Looks like a cheney frame as well

good luck!

Twins / Re: A65 barrels
13 December, 2023, 07:56:39

No idea what they will be like.
Twins / Re: A65 barrels
12 December, 2023, 20:57:23
set on facebook 5/16 stud holes £275

Twins / Re: A65 barrels
08 December, 2023, 08:07:10
I think its very doable to use later barrels on earlier cases, here is an earlier post that explains

If you cant get earlier barrels its certainly a route i would go down.


or get a Triumph i have been working on a nice 1965 TR6 and you can get all the parts you need.
Twins / Re: A65 barrels
06 December, 2023, 07:54:42
The later barrels have bigger crankcase stud mounting holes, later barrels will fit earlier crankcases but earlier barrels would need to be drilled to fit later crankcases.

In other words the later barrels will fit but you might have to put the later studs on your crankcases which is a mod that can be done.


Singles / Re: No Spark on my "New" B31 - Magneto?
25 November, 2023, 17:07:52
hi fraz, the points can get dirty, try and get some emery paper in between and clean the contact point.
The Star and Garter / Non Bsa dating certificate?
07 November, 2023, 11:25:49
Does the dating service include Triumph motorcycles specifically a Triumph TR6 1965? I have 2 bikes to apply for one is a BSA, i have been told the club can supply for Triumph as well.

kind regards derek
The Star and Garter / Re: Non BSA but for advice
07 November, 2023, 09:04:04
Morning Mike, would welding not be an option or brazing? im assuming they arent cast of course

;) derek
Which BSA do you ride? / Re: My A65
08 August, 2023, 18:15:17
Nice bike, i liked these pipes on my A65 but my neighbours werent as keen  ;)
Welcome Frank! Some pics would be good.

Cheers derek