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The Star and Garter / Bridlington Beanfeast
« on: 18 September, 2023, 13:02:16 »

Following some very successful and pleasant  weekends at Bognor, We are looking forward to continuing in this vein at Bridlington in December, there is a minor problem (hopefully) which is caused by my inadvertent lapsing of membership earlier this year.This meant I missed three editions of the monthly magazine and thereby missed the booking details. Although I remedied the issue last month I suspect that equilibrium will not be in place in the near future - to this end, I was hoping that I could obtain the details of the booking guys to avoid missing out due to timelines or over booking. Hence this post!

1973 Range to Present Day / GOLD STAR
« on: 08 September, 2023, 11:35:43 »
Mulling through some bike orientated sites recently, encountered a site in which a contributor was bemoaning the proliferation of brand new motorcycles possessing classic British names but manufactured in Asian factories. It appeared there was considerable support for this view. The criticism was not aimed directly at BSA, other marques, including Triumph, were included. The post which caught my eye was aimed at the BSA and it suggested that many purchasers of the new model were bitterly regretting the acquisition as evidenced by the numbers of virtually new models on sale with very low mileages. Intrigued, I checked out Flea bay and, yes, there are plenty of Gold Stars available second hand with low mileages. There was one example with very low mileage and two previous owners. There are also loads of brand new unregistered models with all options available, it appears that even bono fide dealers are selling via this platform. Firstly I was surprised to learn that there does not appear to be a waiting list any longer, I was also surprised to note that many dealers were using Flea bay to sell bikes and every colour scheme was in stock and finally I was extremely surprised by the claim that many owners were getting rid of new BSA's for various unstipulated reasons. I was under the impression that the machines were flying out of the dealers doors. The aggrieved poster did not actually single out Flea bay, I looked at Flea bay off my own bat.

« on: 12 August, 2023, 15:49:25 »
A bit late but I noted, not one, but two Beagles on display at Welland... slightly tatty but obviously runners, a pleasant surprise!

Singles / TYRE PRESSURES re Old Bikes - New Tyres!
« on: 27 July, 2023, 12:28:18 »
Any suggestions reference Avon Road Riders on a  B33, one up at all times.

Singles / A/B series front spindle.
« on: 10 June, 2023, 16:54:50 »
I have recently completed converting my bitsa B33 from a front spindle which screwed in to the fork bottoms to the spindle which has the half moon brackets to secure it to the fork bottoms. There are grooves at either end of the new spindle to allow the bolts to mate with forks, I had some difficulty locating the forks in the exact position to line up with the grooves, I had to apply a certain amount of pressure to push the forks towards each other to achieve the position I thought was correct. At this point I noticed that the brake torque arm stud which fits into an aluminium boss on the drum (TLS ass which is why I swapped the fork bottoms in the first place) only entered the boss half way. Additionally the fork movement is now almost solid although it will move if I really heave downwards on the handle bars.My question would be... Are there two different sizes of spindle depending on which model they came off - This would explain the initial problem with the line up and also explain why the stud appears too short!   I understand that these twin leading brakes were fitted on some A and B bikes? To add to my woes, the clutch has seized in the engaged position during the bikes sojourn on the stand, at the moment I have taped the clutch lever to the handle bar in the hope that it will in some (mysterious) way free itself! Failing that my plan is to position the bike securely with the rear wheel off the ground, start it up in 1st, rev it a bit and progressively apply the foot brake! Does this appear logical or is there a better way?

The Star and Garter / Club Services
« on: 12 September, 2022, 19:37:53 »
In light of the recent sad death of our Queen, should the description of the Club Services be altered to King of the Kings highway?

The Star and Garter / Welland Show
« on: 27 July, 2022, 11:12:25 »
Welland this weekend, first time for two years!

The Star and Garter / Gold Star - new.
« on: 16 May, 2022, 17:07:20 »
Seems to have gone a bit quiet on the new Goldy front - or have I missed something?

The Star and Garter / FLEABAY
« on: 24 February, 2022, 17:21:16 »
Whiling away a bit of my time yesterday I started browsing BSA spares on the aforementioned site - the amount of pages (@50 ads per) seemed endless, after about 20 pages (quite a few repeats) I began losing the will to live, however BSA riders are used to slow dogged progress and so I continued - after 60 pages, with many previously unseen ads I resolved to determine exactly how many pages of BSA paraphernalia comprised the thread. Having really lost interest in the content I started to jump 4 pages at a time, even so it became tedious and time consuming, I eventually reached 140 separate pages and there was no indication as to how many more pages there might be, I freely admit that at this point I conceded defeat and left the site! I suppose the logical approach would be to dial in the precise description of required part and, presumably be directed to the exact part needed. However, whilst trawling through the earlier ads I did happen to discover several BSA bits & pieces I that I could not do without despite originally merely window shopping. I spent almost £100 of hard earned!

The Star and Garter / Number plate - obtain original?
« on: 19 January, 2022, 12:39:29 »
I have owned a B31 for 5/6 years now and I have the original buff registration logbook, it was originally licensed in 1956 and the last entry appears to be 1973 all on the same owner residing at the same address, (Victoria Rd, Margate) Problem being that at some point subsequent to this the reg of the machine changed presumably at a point of sale and my bike now has the correct engine No and frame No as detailed in the original logbook but now referenced to a different reg No. Is there any way of the machine reverting to it's original number?

Singles / B33 Revs
« on: 16 May, 2021, 11:44:48 »
Could anyone tell me what the standard B33 should rev to, that is to say when it is travelling at its maximum speed, reputed to be
80mph according to period road tests.

The Star and Garter / Reg No Conundrum
« on: 10 May, 2021, 10:05:57 »
My 1956 350, which I've had about 5 years does not have its original reg No. However I have the original reg document and I know from it that it was originally XKO609. It was owned until at least 1966 by the original owner at which time the original reg doc was cancelled, presumably with advent of the new type log books. My problem is I cannot (through ignorance) discover if the original reg number is currently in use. I am aware that there are sites on the net which have this info I just have no idea how to access them. Any help appreciated. The first owner was Norman Charles Cowell from Margate, Kent.

Singles / 5 speed Gearboxes - B series.
« on: 07 May, 2021, 10:11:06 »
Does anyone manufacture a 5 speed gearbox which can be installed into a B series machine. If so, any idea as to approximate cost & any feedback as to whether, given to torque characteristics of the singles, it is a worthwhile proposal?

Singles / FLAT OUT
« on: 25 April, 2021, 12:48:20 »
Started out for a ride this morning, within 2 miles the rear tyre was punctured big time! The bike started first time, the weather was lovely and I had a tankful of ethanol free petrol - I should have known!

« on: 21 April, 2021, 12:57:18 »
Having successfully removed the forks from my B33, I noticed that one spring appears longer than the other - This cannot be correct and I wonder if anyone could explain the phenomena. I believe the forks are from a B44 inasmuch as they are attached to the top nuts via a metal shaft and a locknut. On another tack (and possibly related) one side, the side with less spring apparent had no oil in it as far as I could ascertain whereas the opposite side unit had plenty of oil!

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