National, Branch and Group Events / Payment for 2024 Open Day rally (non-cheque payments)
« on: 19 April, 2024, 09:55:39 »
Lots of us no longer have a cheque book.
If you are booking for the Members National Rally just mark your form
<Paid into Club Bank Account>
and send it off to John Michael.
Don't forget to send the form!
Here are the instructions and bank details:
To Pay your booking direct into the BSA Owners' Club Bank Account, please use these details:
Bank: National Westminster Bank Plc
Account No 01033883 Sort Code 01-10-01
IBAN GB47 NWBK 0110 0101 0338 83 IBAN BIC NWBKGB2L
Please use the following reference so that your payment can be traced:
your surname & postcode
If you don't put this reference there is no way your payment can be logged against your name.
If you are booking for the Members National Rally just mark your form
<Paid into Club Bank Account>
and send it off to John Michael.
Don't forget to send the form!
Here are the instructions and bank details:
To Pay your booking direct into the BSA Owners' Club Bank Account, please use these details:
Bank: National Westminster Bank Plc
Account No 01033883 Sort Code 01-10-01
IBAN GB47 NWBK 0110 0101 0338 83 IBAN BIC NWBKGB2L
Please use the following reference so that your payment can be traced:
your surname & postcode
If you don't put this reference there is no way your payment can be logged against your name.