Recently I've replaced the semi home-made battery carrier on the M33 for a replica one from Draganfly. However, during the fitting process I noticed a pipe pointing downward from the base of the oil tank toward the top of the gearbox. I'd not noticed this before. Having consulted the words of wisdom I see this referred to as "pressure release pipe" which makes me think it's a breather. My parts book suggests there should be a rubber pipe fitted to this then a rigid but bent tube leading off somewhere to be clipped to the frame.
My questions are, where does this open pipe exit? Does it still point down? What I intend to do is to pop some flexible pipe onto the bare stub and run it roughly to where it should end up.
It may be that I've found the mysterious intermittent oil leak which I thought was coming from the gearbox. Possibly not.
My questions are, where does this open pipe exit? Does it still point down? What I intend to do is to pop some flexible pipe onto the bare stub and run it roughly to where it should end up.
It may be that I've found the mysterious intermittent oil leak which I thought was coming from the gearbox. Possibly not.