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Topics - royblackburn1@btinternet.

The Star and Garter / Busy bee
28 December, 2024, 20:28:18
Hi all, i have been telling my grandson about bike shops that where in Mansfield in the 60s that i can remember and i mentioned seeing the Busy bee in Richardsons bike shop but cant remember too much about it i think its been mentioned on the forum before I can remember it was yellow and black and believed it was once a doctors anyone got any info please I must add it was a three wheeler thanks Roy
The Star and Garter / Final drive chain tension
29 October, 2024, 14:56:28
Hi all,a talk in the pub the other night about was about final drive chain tension not just classics but modern where as does the chain tighten up with one or the pillion seated. The answers where 50/50 acouple said yes and the others said no how can it tension because its a set length then it was mentioned about the action of the swing arm the question was then dropped but is there anybody on our club forum got a answer would like to hear it. Roy
The Star and Garter / counter steering
22 May, 2024, 19:24:42
Evening all over the past years i have read about counter steering but never tried it or knew what it was all about but whilst out on my Suzuki with my wife on pillion going round a sweeping left hand bend i gave the left hand handle bar a nudge to the right only slightly and a voice said what was that, has any one used counter steering other than on a speedway track on the road and whats it supposed to do, thanks Roy
The Star and Garter / Not bike related
05 May, 2024, 21:05:24
Good evening as our members  are all from different walks of life i wonder if anyone knows how to remove protective coatings from spectacles, i prefer my old ones to my new ones but the coating is fogging up the lenses , hope someone can help. Roy
Twins / Spacer size
04 February, 2024, 19:49:00
Hi all, i recently bought a rear wheel speedo gear box for my 1966 A65L the gear box is wider than the old gear box when the spacer is fitted between new gear box and the frame its very tight and i think if i tighten the spindle up it will put too much pressure on the gear box bearings are all the spacers for a65 all the same size, thanks Roy
The Star and Garter / Insurance
02 November, 2023, 15:47:05
High all, my  insurance is due at the end of the month and having heard on the media expect a hefty hike in premiums has anyone recently had their quote and changed company what companies are low due to only riding bikes maybe eight months a year, thanks Roy
The Star and Garter / What men dont talk about
01 October, 2023, 15:32:28
Hi all, sorry this is not BSA related but I don't know of anyone to ask. I have been told I need surgery on a enlarged prostate and given the options I can choose, if any of you out there have had the same done any advice would be grateful if you have had it done you probably know the options. What side effects to expect etc I know people are different to oneanother just like our bkes, thanks Roy
The Star and Garter / running rich
09 September, 2023, 18:34:17
Hi all my a65L is running rich it has concentric carbs on i believe the mixture screw is just for slow speed {tick over} so if i lower the needles should this run less rich I also know theres a lot of variations why running rich so thought i would start with the basic, would I notice a difference in performance with needles being lowered, thanks Roy
The Star and Garter / Front tyre
24 July, 2023, 13:44:14
Hi all, my A65L has never been good at speeds of walking pace in traffic with handle bars waving about I always check pressure before going out I wondered if the tyre compound had gone hard. The tyre is a Dunlop  roadmaster with plenty of tread but noticed it said Nylon now is the tyre made of nylon or just the carcase also where is the date it was made is it a code I have tried the steering damper in different positions any help please Roy
The Star and Garter / Open day
21 May, 2023, 19:13:42
Hi, it will be our first time at the Mallory BSA open day will it be well sign posted (BSA)to the event and I very much dout it would we be allowed a safe lap round the circuit, Roy
The Star and Garter / Had any problems
12 April, 2023, 17:42:03
Hi all, I have been off for a while so the question may have been answered. The dreaded E10 petrol has been around sometime now has any member had any problems with it, thanks Roy
The Star and Garter / Checking battery amps
06 March, 2023, 11:20:19
Hi all, how can I check the amps on my battery, my battery is 13 years old it was new when I bought my Suzuki after every run it is hooked up to optimate charger until the next run starts and runs perfectly but I'm thinking it might need changing soon I have a multimeter but no instructions can how ca I check it out.  thanks Roy
The Star and Garter / Not BSA related
22 December, 2022, 20:33:54
Good evening, my adult son suffers bad with restless leg syndrome hes got little help from medical people is there any wise men out there that knows of a over the counter medicine so he can relax and get a good nights sleep, thanks Roy
The Star and Garter / Santa
18 December, 2022, 18:59:21
Hi all, whilst driving through Papplewick in Notts yesterday low and behold Santa was riding  his bike toward us (not sure if it was a BSA though) hope he made other people happy as he did me and my wife, merry Christmas Santa (bet the elves cleaned it )
Twins / Sooty plugs
31 October, 2022, 17:15:50
Hi,have noticed my plugs on my A65L are sooty on the edges and I'm thinking of putting the needle in my concentrics to the first position they are in the middle at the moment will this make the engine run lean and cause problems,thanks Roy
The Star and Garter / New Gold star
05 October, 2022, 10:51:33
Morning all, just flicked through the TV guide and it looks like Henry Cole is riding the new gold star tonight on ITV4 9 o'clock (Yorkshire Tv )
The Star and Garter / For sale and wanted
29 September, 2022, 20:42:24
Can someone tell me what a child board means  ??? Roy
The Star and Garter / Cleaning rusty metal
26 May, 2022, 14:52:22
Hi all, I want to clean some rusty metal using the battery charger method but the metal is attached to some brass will this method harm the brass, thanks Roy
The Star and Garter / Puncture repair kits
15 May, 2022, 20:07:59
Hi all, having to buy two expensive tubeless tyres for my modern bike in two years due to punctures I was lucky I noticed them back home next day, I cant remember seeing any adverts in the MCN or OBM for get you home repair kits I know they are available from Ebay but does any one know if they have been banned from the media for some reason.Thanks Roy
The Star and Garter / Ride out
24 April, 2022, 20:37:02
We had a ride out today unfortunately not on my BSA but my Suzuki to Holmfirth and followed what seemed to be a BSA group they looked and sounded awesome, wonder if they where a local club. Roy :D