« on: 08 September, 2023, 11:35:43 »
Mulling through some bike orientated sites recently, encountered a site in which a contributor was bemoaning the proliferation of brand new motorcycles possessing classic British names but manufactured in Asian factories. It appeared there was considerable support for this view. The criticism was not aimed directly at BSA, other marques, including Triumph, were included. The post which caught my eye was aimed at the BSA and it suggested that many purchasers of the new model were bitterly regretting the acquisition as evidenced by the numbers of virtually new models on sale with very low mileages. Intrigued, I checked out Flea bay and, yes, there are plenty of Gold Stars available second hand with low mileages. There was one example with very low mileage and two previous owners. There are also loads of brand new unregistered models with all options available, it appears that even bono fide dealers are selling via this platform. Firstly I was surprised to learn that there does not appear to be a waiting list any longer, I was also surprised to note that many dealers were using Flea bay to sell bikes and every colour scheme was in stock and finally I was extremely surprised by the claim that many owners were getting rid of new BSA's for various unstipulated reasons. I was under the impression that the machines were flying out of the dealers doors. The aggrieved poster did not actually single out Flea bay, I looked at Flea bay off my own bat.