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Messages - MGI

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The Star and Garter / Re: Making the club a Ltd Co
« on: 11 July, 2024, 09:54:42 »
Four weeks to vote is somewhat misleading... the preceding government was in power for a term of around 4 years as the life of a governing party is 4/5 years & may be extended following an election! The BSAOC has been around since the early fifties! The chairman is supposed to be impartial, under normal circumstances he/she doesn't even vote unless the vote is tied in which case the chairperson has a casting vote! VAT is based, as has been stated, on turnover although it is possible to enrol with a lower income! Changing to becoming a limited company is not compulsory and has both advantages and disadvantages! It r4equires much thought!

The Star and Garter / Re: Update on the Open Day event
« on: 30 May, 2024, 16:03:55 »
Surprised no one has commentated on the excellence of the entire weekend! Credit to the organisers and the local club members, not forgetting the Hosts who did a magnificent job all weekend! Cheap substantial meals, cheap drinks and a lovely club house! The ride out was first class although ultimately shrouded by the unfortunate RAF pilots demise!

Bantam / Re: Help identifying
« on: 25 March, 2024, 09:49:38 »
It also appears to have a decompressor...

Singles / Re: Electric starter
« on: 12 January, 2024, 18:10:55 »
I had my B33 fitted with Pearson electric start about 3 years ago, no problems whatsoever to date - in fact it has been a Godsend because it removes the worry of stalling in traffic etc and avoids the problem of trying to kick start and keep the bike upright whilst trying to find neutral, although the engine is comparatively low compression (by todays standards) I discovered I was only capable of kicking it over about 3/4 times before muscle fatigue made its presence known. The starter motor does protrude below the engine but I haver grounded it anywhere - having said that it is difficult to get up ramps into a van, need longer ramps I think but only once have I needed to load it into my van and that was when I collected from Phil Pearson three years ago!

The Star and Garter / Re: Good New years news
« on: 04 January, 2024, 10:28:27 »
I worked some years ago near Spalding, I was actually based in Boston Spa and I recollect that according to the locals, Spalding was alleged to be the 'wife swapping' centre of the Country - you have been warned!

Twins / Re: Rear brake cross shaft lever, Iron or Steel
« on: 26 September, 2023, 10:45:31 »
I would not have thought fitting a TLS kit onto a rear brake is a good idea, it is the front brake which provides the most effective braking and because of the weight transfer that takes place under braking the rear wheel will have a tendency to lock up if utmost care is not exercised! I, and many other riders I am sure, never normally employ the rear brake other than when the front brake is weak and a rapid slowing down is required, (Ariel hubs etc) Another aspect might be that stopping on a hill whilst heading upwards  could be problematic as (assuming you already have a TLS set up on your front hub), you would have to rely on four trailing shoes to halt down hill progress which could be interesting. My comments assume you already have TLS on your front brake. If you take the modern superbike as an example, they normally have enormous twin discs on the front of the bike and, comparatively speaking, a much reduced diameter rear brake for the same reasons!

Singles / Re: 1970 B25 speed
« on: 25 September, 2023, 09:58:48 »
I once lived next door to a guy who purchased a C12 - every time I saw him on the bike it seemed to be over revving for the speed, I asked how many gears it had and he responded three! When I told him there was four gears he didn't believe me and went off on a trial run, when he returned he had a broad smile on his face! I mention this story because I wondered if you had fallen into the same mistake as 45mph is well below the top speed of your bike!

Pre War / Re: B34-2 Rebuild
« on: 22 September, 2023, 12:09:58 »
Who designed that engine?

The Star and Garter / Bridlington Beanfeast
« on: 18 September, 2023, 13:02:16 »

Following some very successful and pleasant  weekends at Bognor, We are looking forward to continuing in this vein at Bridlington in December, there is a minor problem (hopefully) which is caused by my inadvertent lapsing of membership earlier this year.This meant I missed three editions of the monthly magazine and thereby missed the booking details. Although I remedied the issue last month I suspect that equilibrium will not be in place in the near future - to this end, I was hoping that I could obtain the details of the booking guys to avoid missing out due to timelines or over booking. Hence this post!

1973 Range to Present Day / GOLD STAR
« on: 08 September, 2023, 11:35:43 »
Mulling through some bike orientated sites recently, encountered a site in which a contributor was bemoaning the proliferation of brand new motorcycles possessing classic British names but manufactured in Asian factories. It appeared there was considerable support for this view. The criticism was not aimed directly at BSA, other marques, including Triumph, were included. The post which caught my eye was aimed at the BSA and it suggested that many purchasers of the new model were bitterly regretting the acquisition as evidenced by the numbers of virtually new models on sale with very low mileages. Intrigued, I checked out Flea bay and, yes, there are plenty of Gold Stars available second hand with low mileages. There was one example with very low mileage and two previous owners. There are also loads of brand new unregistered models with all options available, it appears that even bono fide dealers are selling via this platform. Firstly I was surprised to learn that there does not appear to be a waiting list any longer, I was also surprised to note that many dealers were using Flea bay to sell bikes and every colour scheme was in stock and finally I was extremely surprised by the claim that many owners were getting rid of new BSA's for various unstipulated reasons. I was under the impression that the machines were flying out of the dealers doors. The aggrieved poster did not actually single out Flea bay, I looked at Flea bay off my own bat.

« on: 12 August, 2023, 15:49:25 »
A bit late but I noted, not one, but two Beagles on display at Welland... slightly tatty but obviously runners, a pleasant surprise!

Singles / Re: TYRE PRESSURES re Old Bikes - New Tyres!
« on: 27 July, 2023, 21:55:19 »
yeah, sounds about right...I was aware that the original specifications referred to tyres with extremely rigid walls (compared to todays products) which is why I asked for advice. Many thanks guys!

Singles / TYRE PRESSURES re Old Bikes - New Tyres!
« on: 27 July, 2023, 12:28:18 »
Any suggestions reference Avon Road Riders on a  B33, one up at all times.

When you take out and pay for third party insurance, then damage to third parties property is covered, you have paid for it, however when you drive or ride someone else's vehicle then you are only covered for the absolute minimum insurance as required by the law. this relates to physical injury to a third party meaning a person - nothing else! The term "3rd party" is misleading... think about it - were it not the case it would be possible to insure a very small economy car, and then drive around regularly in a high powered sports car with no further increase in premium, it cannot be a vehicle owned by you, but that is a minor obstacle easily surmounted! Many years ago in 1961, I owned and drove a Morris Minor, the insurance certificate stated in writing that I could drive another vehicle not owned by me or hired to me under a hire purchase arrangement. I lost control of my father's Westminster and demolished a bus shelter, fortunately there was no one in the shelter at the time, I had to pay the Midland Red for the repair of the shelter which was a large sum to find being impecunious at the time! (still the case) I well remember the nasty letters from the 'National Insurance & Guarantee' insurance company acting for the bus company.

The third party cover referred to isn't even other peoples property, ie. the bike you are riding that does not belong to you, or the damage caused to any other item involved, such as another vehicle damaged in the same incident or even the fence, bus shelter, sign post, shop front etc damaged! Third party means third person, meaning if a pedestrian or the rider/driver of another vehicle is injured and the injury is deemed to be your fault the other people involved are covered by the third party insurance in force! Be warned! Most car policies carry third party insurance as standard if you need to drive another vehicle but the same limitations apply - The law only requires insurance for third party cover meaning third person cover!

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