« on: 05 April, 2024, 12:14:08 »
I read somewhere about boiling in a solution of water with bicarbonate of soda. I did this and completely ruined the carb as when I dried it out and blew air through the tubes, it seemed to get filled with some sort of jelly!! I made a right pigs ear of the job, so I bought a new carb from Amal, a 276 to fit the older iron head and this solved the fuel starvation problem but it's an expensive way to solve a simple problem. Other suggestions in this thread are a better bet so whatever you do, DON'T use bicarb. Also when tightening the bolts NEVER over tighten. I think the torque is 4lbs per square inch so this is not much more than finger tight. That was another mistake i made and the carb bit where the 2 nuts fit onto the barrel warped.