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Messages - royblackburn1@btinternet.

The Star and Garter / Re: Busy bee
29 December, 2024, 18:56:29
Got the info needed from good old google, thanks for reading the post. Roy
The Star and Garter / Busy bee
28 December, 2024, 20:28:18
Hi all, i have been telling my grandson about bike shops that where in Mansfield in the 60s that i can remember and i mentioned seeing the Busy bee in Richardsons bike shop but cant remember too much about it i think its been mentioned on the forum before I can remember it was yellow and black and believed it was once a doctors anyone got any info please I must add it was a three wheeler thanks Roy
The Star and Garter / Re: Final drive chain tension
02 November, 2024, 19:11:22
Hi guys well been on you tube and even some on there have different views one saying he does not follow the tension stated in the bikes manual so i will tell the guys to watch the channel and make their own minds up (back to square one} anyway thanks Roy 
The Star and Garter / Re: Final drive chain tension
30 October, 2024, 09:40:12
Thanks for the replies very informative but what about modern bikes does the chain tension up when rider and pillion are onboard ?. Thanks again Roy
The Star and Garter / Final drive chain tension
29 October, 2024, 14:56:28
Hi all,a talk in the pub the other night about was about final drive chain tension not just classics but modern where as does the chain tighten up with one or the pillion seated. The answers where 50/50 acouple said yes and the others said no how can it tension because its a set length then it was mentioned about the action of the swing arm the question was then dropped but is there anybody on our club forum got a answer would like to hear it. Roy
Twins / Re: Tyre Pressures
05 September, 2024, 18:59:06
Hi Rob glad to hear you are nearly ready, I see you have 19"rear tyre if your speedo is run off the rear wheel do you know what ratio the speedo gear box is ive been trying to find out. thanks Roy (my A65L is a 1966 import)
I cleaned  the tiny holes with a frayed piece of wire from cycle brake cable carefully not to scratch the inside then sprayed carb cleaner in
The Star and Garter / Re: counter steering
23 May, 2024, 14:36:33
Thanks for the replies why i was a bit was that I always thought counter was the opposite to what you were doing,Roy
The Star and Garter / counter steering
22 May, 2024, 19:24:42
Evening all over the past years i have read about counter steering but never tried it or knew what it was all about but whilst out on my Suzuki with my wife on pillion going round a sweeping left hand bend i gave the left hand handle bar a nudge to the right only slightly and a voice said what was that, has any one used counter steering other than on a speedway track on the road and whats it supposed to do, thanks Roy
The Star and Garter / Re: Not bike related
22 May, 2024, 19:04:45
Thanks Bill and Dave for replies had a word with them and if they were purchased recently they might be able to do something but they are a few years old now, thanks again Roy
The Star and Garter / Re: BSA Open Day Rally
14 May, 2024, 18:02:48
Hi me and my wife will be there on Sunday hope to have a snack and drink at dinner time hope this helps Roy
The Star and Garter / Re: Not bike related
14 May, 2024, 17:56:08
Thanks Bill will have a word with them ,Roy
The Star and Garter / Not bike related
05 May, 2024, 21:05:24
Good evening as our members  are all from different walks of life i wonder if anyone knows how to remove protective coatings from spectacles, i prefer my old ones to my new ones but the coating is fogging up the lenses , hope someone can help. Roy
Twins / Re: a65 speedo ratios
24 April, 2024, 16:48:26
HI cornish bob and Allen G, could you help sorting my quest out,bob would you mind asking your learned friend what speedo gear box drive i require for my usa impoerted 1966 A65L the speedo is 1600 but it has a 19inch rear wheel that some usa bikes had Allen G you might know could you help, thanks Roy
Twins / Re: A65 brake light switch
25 February, 2024, 18:55:33
Hi Martin on my 1966 A65L where the brake pedal actuates the brake light switch there is a small arm that is adjustable so that it makes better contact with the lever on the switch hope this helps Roy